Pictures from our wedding!!!

Here are the 500+ highlights of our wedding... thank you to everyone who contributed pictures!
On the following pages, click on any picture to get the full-size (printable) version.
Believe it or not, we have even more pictures (three times more)... If you see something you like, just let us know and we can send you more pictures via email or on a CD.

Bridal showers before and after the wedding
Pictures from the week of wedding prep
Hikes and prep the day before the wedding
BBQ the night before
The morning of the wedding!
Family portraits
Biking to/from the ceremony
The ceremony itself!!!
Party time - Part 1 and Part 2
Breakfast the morning after
Oregon wedding dinner celebration

Copyright 2009, Ross + Kelli Segelken
Photos courtesy of Sherri Harkin (main photographer), Sarah Sheehy (secondary photographer), Karen Hogensen, Jesse Nordhausen, Joni and Allen Gunther, Larry and Karen Segelken, Lora Peterson, Peggy and Cy Walker, Kathy Wood, Larry Wickstrom, June Thanasophon and Carl Marshall, Paul and Allison Dehaan, and us... if we lamely forgot someone, please email to let us know. Thanks everyone!