Pictures from Backpacking in the Wallowas, July 2005

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The crew decided to head out to the Wallowa Mountains for some backpacking over July 4th weekend. Here we are, getting ready at our campsite the morning of our hike in

The hike into Aneroid lake. Are we there yet?

June, that's probably not the easiest way across the creek.

A meadow on the way up. You can't see the mosquitoes!

And finally, camp. Not too bad, eh?

So, we combined to bring quite a bit of wine up to camp with us. After a day of hiking, it starts out slow... dulling the senses so that you need instructions to put together your stove.

Next, the staring contests begin.

It only goes downhill from there

Day 2 brought a daytrip up to the top of Pete's Peak. Still quite a bit of snow on the way!

Group shot with the peak in the background.

Views from the top! As well as the lake we started with, you could see all the way to Enterprise!

Kari and Doug glissaded down the bowl. Here's how far Kari went before she could stop!

The boots, relaxing on the rocks after a hard day.

Finally, at the end of the day, Doug tried to catch us dinner. He did manage to catch his first fish on a fly, a 10-inch lake trout!

That's it... no pictures of the way down and the road home. Rest assured, we all made it!

Copyright 2005, Ross Segelken